Bollywood actor Boman Irani celebrated his wedding anniversary on Saturday, and shared pictures with his wife, Zenobia, in an Instagram post. Filmmaker-choreographer Farah Khan had an interesting and hilarious comment for the post and she labelled the couple as “irritatingly happy”. (Also read: Boman Irani shares cute video with pet dog)
Sharing several pictures of himself with Zenobia, Boman wrote on his Instagram post, “Living under the same roof for 38 years. Living with the same heartbeat for 41. You taught me that winning an argument is actually a loss. Because it’s a stupid, pointless victory. So don’t waste time. But you always said this only when you lost an argument..(laughing emojis) Happy anniversary Zeenu..”.
Farah was among the first ones to respond and she wrote, “Happy Anniversary u both irritatingly happy couple.” Anupam Kher, Neena Gupta and Chunky Pandey, among a few others also posted “Happy anniversary” wishes for the couple in the comment box. Ritiesh Deshmukh also wrote, “Happy anniversary love birds.” Kiku Sharda, Diana Penty, Daboo Ratnani, Ronit Roy and Gautam Rhode also posted wishes for the couple.
One of the pictures that Boman shared showed the couple walking on a street, hand-in-hand as Zenobia smiled, looking at him. Several other pictures had the couple smiling as they posed together for photographs at various ocassions.
Boman and Zenobia got married in 1985 and they have two sons – Kayoze Irani and Danesh Irani. Sharing how they met, Boman had told Humans of Bombay in 2020 that it was love at first sight when Zenobia walked into his wafer shop and then would visit everyday and would chat up with him.
“I knew she liked me tooI mean, who needs so many wafers? Across-the-counter chats turned into callswe’d talk about everything. But during her BSC exams, her dad said, ‘If you don’t mind, please don’t call for a month, she’s getting distracted!’ It was tough, but it cemented my feelings,” he had said. The actor added that they went on their first date after her exams and he proposed to her on the first date.
He was most recently seen in Sooraj Barjatya’s Uunchai that also featured Anupam Kher, Sarika, Amitabh Bachchan and Neena Gupta. Boman has Rajkumar Hirani’s Dunki alongside Shah Rukh Khan in the pipeline.
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