Things turned ugly between Bigg Boss 16 contestants Archana Gautam and Shiv Thakare as a verbal argument between the two ended with the former trying to choke the latter. Shalin Bhanot, Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia raised voice against her and asked Bigg Boss to take action against her. Soon after, some reports of her eviction emerged on the internet. ‘Bring Back Archana’ also started trending on Twitter on Thursday. Also read: Bigg Boss 16: Abdu Rozik gets into ugly fight with Archana Gautam, calls her ‘stupid’. Watch
Sony shared a promo of the upcoming episode on social media with the caption, “Garma garmi mein hua Shiv aur Archana ke beech ek vaakya. Aisa kya hua ki Archana ke khilaaf khade huye sabhi gharwale (What is this that happened between Shiv and Archana during an argument. What happened that all the housemates stood up against Archana)?” It seems Shiv provoked her by passing a political comment against her. She responded to him in rage, “mujhe koi interest nahi hai tere se baat karne ka, rapta lagega kheench ke (I have no interest in talking to you, I will slap you),” and went on to choke him with her hand.
This was followed by a big fight between Archana and others and many demanded Bigg Boss to take an action. Shalin even told the camera, “either she goes or we go.” The promo ends with a glimpse of Archana sitting alone in the confession room and breaking down. Several Bigg Boss fanpages confirmed that Archana has indeed been evicted from the house. Many also claimed she might enter the house again as a wild card.
Meanwhile, Twitter remained divided over Archana and Shiv. A viewer wrote, “Archana Go home. Archana leave the BB house. We stand by Shiv Thakare.” Another said, “Archana ne BB show ko cheap bana diya hai… third class cheap show (Archana has made Bigg Boss 16 cheap show).”
There were also many who said Shiv poked Archana and therefore instigated her to do the extreme. A viewer tweeted, “@BeingSalmanKhan Shiv Thakare passed comments on Archana’s parents. He intentionally poked her to the extreme extent. He tried his best to get worst of her. Archana violence is not justifiable but what Shiv did was also disgraceful and cheap. He become Gori Male version in poking!” Another wrote, “Archana should be in the house.. Shiv is poking her extreme level.. #ArchanaGuatam. Bring back Archana.”
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