Bollywood actor Kiara Advani surely knows how to keep up with the latest trends. The Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 star and her team never disappoint when it comes to slaying glamorous fashion aesthetics. She has even established herself as one of the most fashionable divas to look out for with her back-to-back stunning looks. Even her latest pictures from a new shoot nailed Y2K (a shorthand term for the year 2000) aesthetics by mixing neon trends and sultry summer vibes. You should definitely take tips from the star to upgrade your wardrobe.
On Friday, celebrity hairstylist Amit Thakur took to Instagram to share pictures of Kiara dressed in a chic halter-neck ensemble and captioned it, “A lil #y2k #hairmoment bye.” The post shows Kiara serving funky poses while standing in front of a scenic backdrop and slaying Y2K hair and neon makeup trends. Scroll ahead to see the Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 actor’s photos. (Also Read: Kiara Advani with Kartik Aaryan promotes Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 in mint green bralette and bandhani pants: Check out pics)
Kiara’s halter neck dress comes with a plunging neckline, bare back detail and marble pattern done in different shades of orange, yellow and red. The bodycon silhouette of Kiara’s ensemble hugged her svelte frame and defined her curves. Additionally, we also love the bright colour of the outfit as it added to the summer aesthetics of the photoshoot.
Kiara paired the orange printed ensemble with chunky multi-hued bracelets, metallic ear hoops and several statement rings. Centre-parted open hairdo styled with baby braids and wavy ends, neon orange eye shadow, coral pink lip shade, glowing skin, blushed cheeks, mascara on the lashes, and beaming highlighter completed the glam picks.
The baby braids are the latest summer-favourite hairstyle trend taking over Bollywood. Earlier, Janhvi Kapoor also sported this hairstyle for a photoshoot. Kiara added a twist by tying two loose braids on the front on either side. Her neon makeup acted as the cherry on top in the end.
Meanwhile, Kiara will be seen next in Jugjugg Jeeyo with Anil Kapoor, Neetu Kapoor and Varun Dhawan. She also the horror-comedy Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 with Kartik Aaryan.
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