Bhavani Devi created history on Monday by assuring India of its first medal at the Asian Fencing Championships. Olympian Bhavani achieved the feat by stunning world champion Misaki Emura of Japan 15-10 in the quarter-finals of the women’s sabre event at the Asian Fencing Championships in Wuxi, China.
Bhavani is assured of a medal by reaching the last-four stage and will face Uzbekistan’s Zaynab Dayibekova in the semi-finals.
The 29-year-old Bhavani had received a bye in the round of 64 before beating Dospay Karina of Kazakhstan in the next round.
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Bhavani then upset third seed Ozaki Seri 15-11 in the pre-quarterfinals.
“It is a very proud day for Indian fencing. Bhavani has achieved what no one could achieve before. She is the first Indian fencer to win a medal at the prestigious Asian Championships. On behalf of the entire fencing fraternity, I congratulate her and hope she brings back gold,” Fencing Association of India secretary general Rajeev Mehta told PTI.
Bhavani Devi, who became the first Indian fencer to qualify for the Olympics, exited in the round of 32 at the Tokyo Games.
With PTI inputs
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