Actor Bhagyashree posted a video updating fans about her husband Himalay Dassani’s recent shoulder surgery. He was admitted to a Mumbai hospital for the surgery which took almost 4.5 hours. The actor shared a details in her recent post and said, “The reason for sharing this is for people to understand that even in a surgery this big, recovery can be smooth n fast.” Also read: Inside Bhagyashree, her husband Himalay Dassani’s dreamy Thailand vacation
Bhayashree shared a video clip capturing moments after and before the surgery. She stayed beside Himalay as his pillar of strength. She wrote, “Major surgery of the right shoulder that took close to 4.5 hours.” In the video, Himalay is seen going in for the surgery and later laying on a hospital bed while recovering.
She explained how her husband’s shoulder rotator cuff muscle needed to be stitched back. “Fractures heal, tears have to be sutured, refracted tendons need to be clamped…it is important to go to the right doctor at the right time. We were told that he would be fine in one day.. and we didnt believe it could be possible.. but thanks to the medical facilities and post-op care of Dr Gautam Tawari and his team from @nanavatihospital hubby’s surgery went well.. and now in recuperation,” she also thanked the hospital and doctor for the treatment.
Soon after she posted the video, fans dropped get-well soon messages in the comment section. Actor Sanjay Kapoor wrote, “Hope he’s well now take care , speedy recovery to Himalaya” “Get well soon Himi… come back home and then we’ll celebrate,” Archana Puran Singh added.
Meanwhile, a fan commented, “So sad to see Himalaya ji in this shape but glad that his surgery well. Sending prayers for speedy recovery.” “Ohh what happened to him ??? ….god bless him,” said someone else. Many also urged the actor to take care. Himalay and Bhagyashree got married in 1990. They have two kids, son Abhimanyu Dassani and daughter Avantika Dassani, both of them are actors. Abhimanyu starred in Nikamma this year, alongside Shilpa Shetty.
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