Bhagyashree’s daughter Avantika Dassani, who recently made her acting debut with the Zee5 web show Mithya, has opened up on the nepotism debate. Avantika said that people are not always fair in their criticism of star kids. She also said that things were not just handed to her because she was Bhagyashree’s daughter. The actor stressed that she has worked hard for her career contrary to what is often assumed about star kids. Also Read: Bhagyashree’s daughter Avantika Dassani was made to feel conscious about her ‘husky voice’: ‘People made fun of me’
After appearing in Mithya alongside Huma Qureshi, Avantika will be making her debut in the Telugu film industry opposite Bellamkonda Ganesh. Her brother Abhimanyu Dassani is also an actor and recently won the Dadasaheb Phalke International Film Festival People’s Choice Best Actor for Meenakshi Sundareshwar. Being the daughter of Bhagyashree, Avantika is often questioned if being a star kid helped her in her career, but she said that this wasn’t the case for her.
In a recent conversation with, the actor said that in the case of star kids, there are times when people assume that they didn’t do anything to deserve appreciation, or that fame was handed to them on a silver platter. She added, “That wasn’t the case for me. I have worked hard to get where I am and my performance reflects that. I think there are some people who can be unfair (to star kids) but the response I got to my performance has been overwhelming so I don’t think it is right for me to complain about it.” Also Read: Bhagyashree’s daughter Avantika says she got film industry access through mom
Avantika also addressed her comparison with Bollywood actors Ananya Panday and Janhvi Kapoor and said that it is not fair to compare artists with each other. She said, “The comparison isn’t fair. Everything creative is subjective. What resonates with me as an audience might not resonate with you. I don’t think there should be a comparison. You should look at every artist for the work they do and their performance. There’s a lot of unnecessary chatter about these things. I don’t think we need to have a discussion about it.”
Avantika’s remarks come after Mithya producer Goldie Behl said he was not aware that she was Bhagyashree’s daughter when he cast her for the part of the student Rhea Rajguru in the psychological thriller drama. Goldie told Hindustan Times, “Avantika has unpredictability in her character. We wanted someone who is not that well known and people don’t know what to expect from her, unlike the protagonist. That was one of the main reasons why we cast her. Credit to Avantika, she came through the normal casting process: through the casting director via audition. We didn’t know what her lineage was, we just found her interesting for the part.”
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