Actor Neha Marda on Thursday announced that she and her husband, Ayushman Agrawal, will soon become parents for the first time after 10 years of marriage. She shared a photo with her husband from a recent maternity photoshoot. Along with fans, many celebrity friends reacted to their pregnancy news. (Also read: Saath Nibhana Saathiya’s Rashi Ben Rucha Hasabnis announces second pregnancy. See pic)
Taking to Instagram, Neha posted a picture with her husband from a photoshoot. She wore a red dress and showed off her baby bump. Her husband wore a black formal suit with a white shirt. Neha kept her hand on her husband’s shoulder. Both of them smiled while posing for the camera in an outdoor setting.
Sharing the picture on Instagram, Neha wrote, “Shri Shivaya Namastubhyam (handfolded emoji). Finally God has arrived in me (handfolded emoji). Baby coming soon 2023 (three red heart emojis).” Actor Rashmi Desai commented, “Congratulations”, as did actor Anita Hassanandani, who wrote, “Congratulations (red heart emoji)”. Actor Chandni commented, “So happy for you (three red heart emojis.” Actor Maera Misshra wrote, “Oh my God, congratulations my love (red heart emojis).”
Reacting to Neha’s pregnancy news, one of her fans wrote, “Wow congratulations ma’am, so happy. Be careful and take care.” Another fan commented, “Congratulations Neha acha laga dekh kar (felt happy after hearing this).” Another fan wrote, “Heartiest congratulations to you both, can’t wait to see little one. May God bless your family.” Many fans extended warm wishes to Neha for her first pregnancy and dropped heart emojis.
Neha and Ayushman married in 2012. The actor was seen in shows like Balika Vadhu, Doli Armaano Ki and Kyun Rishton Mein Katti Batti. She essayed the role of Gehna in Balika Vadhu. She also participated in the dance reality show Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa season 8. Neha had also appeared as a guest contestant in Fear Factor: Khatron Ke Khiladi 8. She has starred in several other TV serials such as Mamta and Kahe Naa Kahe, among others.
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