Actor Ayaz Khan and his wife Jannat Khan announced that they have been blessed with a baby daughter. Taking to Instagram on Wednesday, the couple revealed that they have named her Dua Husain Khan. They also gave a glimpse of the baby. The meaning of ‘Dua’ is prayer. (Also Read | Pregnant Bipasha Basu steps out in black for Ayaz Khan’s birthday dinner)
In the photo, only a part of the newborn was revealed as she lay on a bed. As she had her face turned to one side, Dua grabbed her parents’ fingers in each hand. The baby was dressed in a pink and white outfit.
Sharing the photo, they captioned the post, “Dua’s do come true!! (red heart emoji). On 21:12:22, Allah blessed us with the arrival of our baby girl Dua Husain Khan. (red heart emoji).” Reacting to the post, Kishwers Merchantt commented, “Love the name…Congratulations you guys.” Neelam Kothari said, “Ohhhh my god congratulations.”
Yuvika Chaudhary, Ridhima Pandit, and Aashka Goradia also posted congratulatory messages. Sagarika Ghatge dropped red heart emojis. Fans also showered love on the family. A person said, “Such a lovely name, god bless the family. Hope wifey and kido are doing good, lots of love and blessings to the whole family.” “Oh wow. Congratulations to both of you. May God bless the baby and mom with great health,” read a comment.
The couple announced in September that they are set to become parents. On Instagram, they posted pictures, twinning in white outfits, from their photoshoot. The caption read, “Our greatest adventure is about to begin !! Baby Khan is coming soon. We are over the moon to be entering this new chapter of our life. Our family will grow by two little feet. Allah has been soo good to us.”
Ayaz has featured in several shows including Dill Mill Gayye, Parichay, and Punar Vivah – Ek Nayi Umeed. He also starred in many films such as Bluffmaster, Honeymoon Travels Pvt Ltd, Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na, and Chashme Baddoor among others.
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