George Clooney recently asked Anil Kapoor if he is enjoying being a grandfather. Anil was interviewing George Clooney via video chat at the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit on Saturday. Anil revealed how Vayu, son of his daughter Sonam Kapoor, reacted on being in the midst of nature for the first time as he took him for a stroll. Also read: At HTLS 2022, George Clooney reveals why he turned down $35 million for one day’s work: ‘My reputation isn’t for sale’
As Anil asked George Clooney about his experience of being a parent to five-year-old twins, Ella and Alexandar, he in turn asked Anil if he was also enjoying being a grandfather. Anil replied, “When I became a father, I couldn’t process it. It took me some time to process it.”
About becoming a grandfather, he said, “I am still in a process. I was in Austria, I started slowly connecting with my grandson. His name is Vayu, means wind. I took him for a walk, (there was) beautiful weather. He was looking at the sky and the sun and trying to eat. That was his first exposure to the universe, to the planet, to the nature. It was wonderful to see how he was reacting to it. I am slowly and steadily connecting with him, much quicker than I connected with my children.”
Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja tied the knot in a multiple-day wedding function in May, 2018. She moved to London with Anand and continued to shuttle between the UK and India for work. They welcomed son Vayu on August 20 this year and announced his birth in a note on social media. It read: “On 20.08.2022, we welcomed our beautiful baby boy with bowed heads and hearts. Thank you to all of the doctors, nurses, friends and family who have supported us on this journey. It’s only the beginning but we know our lives are forever changed.”
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