Actor Abhishek Chauhan started his showbiz journey with a critically acclaimed web series like Undekhi, and his latest outing shows him in a complex character in Jio Cinema’s Asur 2 alongside Arshad Warsi. In an exclusive chat with Hindustan Times, the actor recalls how he goofed up his first audition in Mumbai and was not even aware of the cameras. (Also read| Asur 2 first look: Arshad Warsi returns with a scary thriller)
Never stood in lines for auditions
Abhishek worked in theatre in Delhi as well as Mumbai before he ventured in front of the camera. Asked about the ratio of auditioning and cracking projects, Abhishek said that he has been around for five years but has not really auditioned much. “I have never stood in lines for auditions and that way, I have been lucky. I am grateful that I met very nice people very early in my journey. My audition-to-cracking ratio is very good as I have not auditioned enough.”
Messed up first audition
He then recalled his first audition in Mumbai and said, “When I went for my first audition, I totally messed it up. I did not know where the camera was, it took me probably eight takes to figure out where the camera was and by the end of it all it was a huge mess in a room full of many people. I remember walking out of that room thinking ‘This was something I really wanted to do, but maybe I am not cut out for it’. This was in 2018. That is why I stopped auditioning, my frequency was very less, then Undekhi happened.”
Abhishek also said that director Ashish Shukla and show creator Siddharth Sengupta sat with him “for three months and taught how the camera works. They hand-held me through the entire process.”
Prep for Asur 2’s Shubh Joshi
Abhishek said that he had watched the first season of the show when it came out in 2020, but did not quite remember it. He had to watch it again when he prepped for his role. He also said that he could not meet the writers and the team before the shoot as they shot right after the second wave of the pandemic. “We just had one Zoom meeting before we got to the sets. You know how actors attend workshops and all? None of that was there for me. I was just briefed about how they looked at it.”
Abhishek also recalled reading up books that question the concept of God, and the ideology of Bhagvad Gita for his prep. “I was never offered something grey before Asur 2 and I am grateful to the casting director and the director for giving me this opportunity. The most challenging part of getting it right – how Shubh will react when happy or sad – as a grownup.”
Talking about working with Arshad Warsi, Abhishek said, “It was mostly a fun experience. I have immense respect and love for him. I have grown up watching him. He was warm, supportive and encouraging.”
Asked if his family members ever criticise his work, Abhishek said that his father has only watched Cubicles while his mother has watched all his projects. He added, “Mostly, they are just happy I get to do what I wanted to do. My mom does not criticize and dad has not watched enough to criticise.”
Abhishek and Anurag Kashyap
Abhishek also recalled how Anurag Kashyap’s message made his day. “I happened to work with Anurag Kashyap on an ad. He was super kind to have messaged me on Instagram after watching Undekhi. I literally woke up to that message.”
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