Shark Tank India’s Ashneer Grover responded to a video of a man who looks like him, which has surfaced on social media. The viral video featured Ashneer’s lookalike at a temple, which appeared to be the ISKCON temple in Vrindavan. While fans initially thought it was Ashneer, now the BharatPe co-founder clarified the truth with his witty reply. (Also read: Ashneer Grover recalls he couldn’t afford Salman Khan for an ad)
In the video, a man wearing an orange checkered shirt is seen happily chanting and clapping at a temple. He also sported glasses, similar to Ashneer. People surrounding him are spotted singing Hare Krishna, Hare Rama. After many tagged Ashneer in the comments, he commented, “Chalo achha hai-yeh kaam bhi outsource ho gaya” with a wink face.
“I share my doppelganger level of devotion in business though,” read his reply. A fan wrote in the comments, “Him praying for his new startup.” “Ashneer Grover lite,” commented someone else.
Ashneer appeared as one of the seven sharks (judges and investors) on the popular reality show Shark Tank India. Along with him were Peyush Bansal, Anupam Mittal, Vineeta Singh, Namita Thapar, Aman Gupta, and Ghazal Alagh. In March, he resigned from BharatPe after allegations of misappropriations of funds. He served as the managing director. Later, Ashneer and his wife Madhuri Jain Grover were removed from the company’s board, as well.
Talking about business, Ashneer recently made news when revealed how he once tried to strike an endorsement deal with Salman Khan. He managed to do it even though he could not afford the actor’s fee. “When I approached Salman’s team, they told me that they will charge ₹7.5 crores, which is when I started calculating as I had ₹100 crore on me. I will give him ₹7.5 crore, spend another ₹1-2 on making the advertisement, and then I have to pay broadcasters as well. It’s going to be a ₹20 crore expense and I have only ₹100 crore in my pocket, with no certainty if I would get another round of investment. So I asked Salman to decrease his price, and he agreed to do it for ₹4.5 crore,” he said at Lovely Professional University in April.
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