New pictures from actor Ashish Vidyarthi’s wedding with Rupali Barua have surfaced on social media. It captures them dancing their heart out as they celebrated their union with close friends and family members. Ashish was seen tying mangalsutra on Rupali in one of the photos as they opted for registry marriage. Also read: Ashish Vidyarthi opens up about divorce from Piloo after marrying Rupali Barua
In a photo, Ashish was seen smiling while posing with Rupali Barua. He wore a beige kurta, paired with a Mundu from Kerala. He also sported a traditional gamocha from Assam as Rupali hails from Guwahati. Rupali opted for a white and golden Mekhela Chador and completed her look with some gold jewellery inspired by South Indian temple art.
The photo photos feature Rupali with sindoor. She and Ashish were also seen in varmalas. One of the photos was clicked during the moment when Ashish tied the mangalsutra on Rupali. They also matched steps and performed bihu in photos. Their wedding took place at a Kolkata club, which was said to be followed by a reception.
Ashish was previously married to Rajoshi Barua, alias Piloo Vidyarthi, who is the daughter of actor Shakuntala Barua. They have a son, Arth Vidyarthi. Talking about their divorce, Ashish shared on social media, “About 22 years back, Piloo and I met and we got married, and it was an amazing one. We had Arth who is now is now 22, and he’s working. But, somehow, for the last two years, Piloo and I discovered that after this beautiful inning that we played together, we felt that how we saw the future was slightly different from one another. Yes, we tried our best, if we can sort out the differences, but then we discovered that the differences can be sorted out but it would be in a way that one of us will impose on the other and that would take away the happiness. Happiness is all we want, right?”
“There was no torture, hardship or anything as people are speculating. We are two different people. For two years we tried to go our separate paths and now he is doing great in his career. I have been looking after a lot of backend things for the last five years. In my personal life, I have different needs now. I cannot fill the goal of Mrs Vidyarthi now,” added Piloo Vidyarthi to Hindustan Times in an exclusive interview.
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