Actor Anushka Sharma gave fans a sneak peek into her room in Paris. She is currently vacationing with her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli and their daughter Vamika. Taking to her Instagram Stories, she shared a picture of her view from the balcony of her hotel and also a video of her room. (Also read: Anushka Sharma calls Ratan Tata ‘greatest billionaire’)
In the video, she got her hair and makeup done in front of a vanity. Her hairstylist Gregory Kaoua is also seen setting her hairstyle in the video. The video ended with a glimpse of the street, as seen through the vintage French windows of the actor’s all-white room. She geo-tagged the location as Paris.
Earlier, Anushka shared a weather update from Paris. She posted a photo from a different corner of her room and wrote in the caption, “Hello Paris! 41 Degree Celsius,” with a hot-face emoji. Later, it rained in the city as shared by the actor at night.
Earlier, Anushka and Virat Kohli were spotted in London. They attended a music performance by American vocalist Krishna Das in the Britain capital. Their pictures with fans were also doing rounds on social media. Virat skipped the Windies tour and took a break from the game.
Anushka who was last seen in Zero, will be seen next in filmmaker Prosit Roy’s upcoming film Chakda Xpress. The film is a sports biopic, based on the life of former Indian cricketer Jhulan Goswami. It will stream exclusively on Netflix on February 2, 2023.
In the film, Anushka will be portraying the role of a cricketer for the first time in her career. She underwent intense training to ace her cricket skills. The film marks her comeback. She announced Chakda Xpress’ with a special video at the beginning of 2022. Anushka’s brother Karnesh Sharma will be producing Chakda Xpress’ under the banner of his home production company Clean Slate Filmz.
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