Anupam Kher took to Instagram on Monday to share a photo of himself with actor Alia Bhatt from Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani’s Mumbai reception, which took place on Sunday. Along with their photo, in which the two smiled for the camera, and Alia kept her hand on Anupam’s shoulder, the veteran actor shared a sweet note. He recalled teasing Alia about her ‘being a born actress’, when she was in acting school. Reacting to his post with Alia, a section of Instagram users said they could not wait to see Kangana Ranaut’s reaction to Anupam lauding Alia. Kangana has often poked fun at or publicly criticised Alia. Also read: Kangana Ranaut shares cryptic note on ‘casanova’ and his wife who are spying on her. Reddit decodes her post
Anupam Kher wrote in his caption, “Dearest Alia Bhatt! It was so wonderful to meet you after such a long time at Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani’s wedding reception. Lovely chatting with you about days when you were in (acting) school and how I always teased you about you being a born actress. Love your performances. Especially Gangubai Kathiawadi. You were spectacular. Keep going! Love and prayers always!” Anupam runs an acting school named Actor Prepares, which has trained many celebs, including Deepika Padukone and Varun Dhawan.
Soon, fans took over the comments section of Anupam’s post and left comments about Kangana Ranaut. Reacting to his caption, one wrote, “Someone check if Kangana is ok lol.” Another one said, “Can’t wait for Kangana Ranaut’s reaction now… Anupam you’re the next target. If not this year, she’ll definitely target you, just wait.” Another person wrote, “Oh my God, now Kangana will attack him too, she is so jealous of Alia.”
While Anupam and Kangana, recently collaborated on their upcoming film Emergency, and share a warm relationship, the same cannot be said about Kangana and Alia. While Alia has not said much about Kangana in public, and has even praised her acting and talent in past interviews, Kangana has often taken direct and indirect digs at Alia. Recently, Kangana had shared a cryptic note on a Bollywood ‘casanova’ and his wife, who were allegedly spying on her. As per Reddit users, Kangana was hinting at Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt. She did not name either of them, but went on to give multiple details about their lives.
Earlier this month, Kangana took to Instagram Stories and wrote in a series of posts, “I am certain my WhatsApp data is being leaked professional deals or even personal life details, this obsessed nepo mafia clown who once landed at my door step uninvited and forced himself on me is a known womaniser and casanova but now vice president of nepo mafia brigade as well, forces his wife to become producer, do more female centric films, dress like me even make home interiors like me they even hired my stylist and even home stylists of many years who then refused to work with me.”
She further wrote, “I think he (the aforementioned casanova) is trying to isolate me and put me through mental stress, BTW he keeps her on a separate floor, they both live separately in the same building, I suggest she must say no to this arrangement and keep an eye on him… how is he getting all this data and what all is he indulging in because if he gets in trouble she and her baby will be in trouble as well… she must take charge of her life and make sure he is not indulging in anything illegal… Much love to you dear girl and your newborn.” Alia and Ranbir welcomed daughter Raha Kapoor in November, 2022.
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