Actor Anupam Kher keeps his fans engaged with interesting videos and pictures from his daily life. On Monday, he shared a video of his interaction with an LA-based bartender who had a unique hairstyle. Quoting his famous line—anything can happen, Anupam called himself bald and beautiful as he praised the man for his hairstyle that he can ‘only dream about’. (Also read: Anupam Kher says he fumbled while taking Pandit Shivkumar Sharma’s name during his radio job: Became an actor after that)
Shot in a store, the video features Anupam shaking hands with the man as he introduces him to the camera. After asking about the hairstyle that took 12 years to grow, he says, “I am so happy to see you. Maybe one day, I hope, I will be having this kind of hairstyle. It’ll be nice.” His amusing words left the man in splits.
Sharing the video, Anupam wrote in the caption, “Encounters in LA: I met @cocktailsbyhawk (Saeed) at a supermarket! He was kind and supportive enough to let me talk to him about his unique hairstyle. Initially, I thought it was a wig. But then he confirmed that it is his own hair. Amazing. I wonder how he manages to sleep with his hair! Anything can happen#BaldAndTheBeautiful#Hairstyle#Bald.”
Anupam Kher was last seen in The Kashmir Files. Directed by Vivek Agnihotri, the film was a box office hit, starring Pallavi Joshi, Darshan Kumaar, Mithun Chakraborty and others. He recently wrapped up filming for his upcoming film Uunchai. In the film, he will be seen alongside Amitabh Bachchan, Boman Irani and Neena Gupta. It’s directed by Sooraj Barjatya. Apart from this, he also has a film shot in New York, Shiv Shastri Balboa.
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