Actor Ananya Panday was trolled last year when fans realised that she had said a line on the show Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives that had first been said by Khloe Kardashian on Keeping Up With The Kardashians. On a recent episode of Pinch season 2, hosted by Arbaaz Khan, Ananya said that she never claimed to have come up with the line.
In the first episode of Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Lives, Ananya was getting her makeup done. She told her team how much her mother, Bhavana Pandey, used to swear when she was young. “I have grown up around you and papa abusing. When I was young, I thought my name was F**k because you all used to say it,” she said. Fans took to Twitter, sharing video proof of how it was Khloe Kardashian who said the line first on her own reality show.
On Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Khloe said the same thing about her mother, Kris Jenner: “My mom cursed so much when were little, I thought my name was F*ck.”
Now, Ananya said that she never pretended to have come up with the line. “I had told my mom that if I came on the show, someone or the other will troll me and there will be a controversy. I never pretended those were my words. I am giving all credit to Khloe for that line,” she told Arbaaz Khan.
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Arbaaz also asked Ananya about her many foot-in-the-mouth moments during interviews. He reminded her how she once said that grapes were sold by the dozen and she added that she once said during an interview that she liked ‘omelette with egg’. Ananya first joked that it was actually her twin sister who sits for these interviews and makes silly comments. However, she later accepted that she does say ‘a lot of stupid things’.
Ananya was last seen with Ishaan Khatter in Khaali Peeli. Her next film will be Shakun Batra’s thriller with Deepika Padukone and Siddhant Chaturvedi.
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