Ananya Panday with parents Chunky Panday and Bhavana Pandey was spotted arriving for her cousin Alanna Panday’s pre-wedding festivities in Mumbai on Wednesday. Alanna Panday, who is the daughter of Chunky’s brother Chikki Panday and his wife Deanne Panday, is marrying US-based Ivor McCray on March 16. Sisters Shibani Dandekar and Anusha Dandekar as well as Salman Khan’s sister Alvira Khan and husband-filmmaker Atul Agnihotri were also spotted at the celebrations. Also read: Inside bride-to-be Alanna Panday’s dreamy mehendi ceremony with Ananya Panday, Bobby Deol and more
Ananya Panday wore an embellished grey lehenga for the festivities, while actor-father Chunky Panday wore a pastel pink sherwani with pyjama. Bhavana, who is seen on the Netflix show Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives, wore a metallic golden outfit. They posted together for family photos before joining others at the pre-wedding celebrations.
Actor Shibani Dandekar wore a purple and pink saree for Alanna Panday’s wedding bash; while VJ Anusha Dandekar wore a pink saree-inspired ethnic outfit. Meanwhile, Alvira wore a yellow sharara set and Atul was seen in a printed beige and green kurta.
On Tuesday, Alanna Panday’s mehendi ceremony was held at actor Sohail Khan’s house in Mumbai. Alanna arrived at the venue with mom Deanne. Alanna wore a mint floral lehenga and had tiny flowers in her hair. Deanne wore a similar pink lehenga. Bobby Deol, Suniel Shetty, Helen, Salman Khan’s mother Salma Khan and Jaaved Jaaferi’s daughter Alaviaa Jaaferi were also spotted at the pre-wedding festivities.
Alanna will marry her longtime boyfriend Ivor McCray in Mumbai on Thursday. They recently held a pre-wedding bridal party at her Mumbai home, which was also attended by actor-cousin Ananya Panday and brother Ahaan Panday. Alanna is a US-based model and social media influencer. Her fiancé Ivor is a photographer and videographer. The couple has been engaged since November 2021.
Sharing photos of her proposal, Alanna had announced her engagement. Ivor had proposed to her in Maldives. Alanna had shared on Instagram at the time, “Didn’t realise it was possible to love another human this much until I met you. Thank you for making me smile everyday and loving me unconditionally. You truly make me the happiest human on this planet @ivor I can’t wait to have a family with you!”
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