Ananya Panday was spotted attending her cousin Alanna Panday’s pre-wedding bridal party at her home in Mumbai. Alanna is set to marry her longtime boyfriend Ivor Mccray in Mumbai on March 16, 2023. The actor was seen posing with her other cousin, Alanna’s brother Ahaan Panday. Ananya’s aunt Deanne Panday and Ivor also posed for the paparazzi as they were seen entering the party. (Also read: Filmmaker Vikramaditya Motwane wraps his next with Ananya Panday, says he’s a ‘fan’)
Ahaan and Ananya also posed together for pictures outside the Panday home in Bandra, Mumbai. Both cousins were dressed in white which seemed to be the dress code for the evening. Ahaan wore a white shirt and pants, along with white shoes. Ananya wore a white dress with a small embroidered flower on the right side.
In a video shared by a paparazzo account, the actor can be seen leaving on her own afterwards. Her parents, actor Chunky Panday, mother Bhavana Panday and sister Rysa Panday, were not spotted in any of the paparazzi photos.
Alanna is the daughter of Chunky’s brother Chikki Panday. She is also a model and social media influencer, while her fiancé Ivor is a photographer and videographer. According to news reports, the haldi ceremony will be held at the Panday home and the wedding will be held at the Taj Palace. The couple has been engaged since November 2021 and live primarily in the US.
Ananya will next be seen in Dream Girl 2 with Ayushmann Khurrana. The comedy sequel, directed by Raaj Shaandilyaa, will be released on July 7, 2023. Recently, the two teasers for the film showed Ayushmann’s character ‘Pooja’ conversing with Shah Rukh Khan and Ranbir Kapoor after the release of their films.
The actor, who made her film debut with Student Of The Year 2 in 2019, also has the films Kho Gaye Hum Kahan and an untitled project that she recently wrapped up with director Vikramaditya Motwane. She was last seen in the bilingual sports film Liger starring Vijay Deverakonda.
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