Cricketer Shubham Gill turned a year older on Thursday and received an epic birthday wish from his friend Khushpreet Singh Aulakh. While Khushpreet shared several photos with Shubman, it’s his hilarious caption that is grabbing the attention of fan. In the caption, Shubman’s friend offered him ‘bahut Sara pyaar’. A few days ago, a video of Shubhman having dinner with Sara Ali Khan went viral online. Also read: Sara Ali Khan spotted with Shubman Gill
The post read, “Happiest birthday to My Main Man , The OG , Annoying and the google graduated baby But honestly My life would suck without you I hope God will bless you with more success, excuses , google knowledge and bhut SARA pyaar from everyone@shubmangill.” While the cricketer is yet to respond, a fan wrote in the comments, “Caption bohot sochke likha gaya hai definitely bohot SARA pyaar (A well thought caption, definitely with a lot of love.” “Sara Ka Sara pyar inhi ko dedo (Give him all the love),” added another one.
Dating rumours of Sara Ali Khan and Shubman Gill began after a video, shared by TikToker Uzma Merchant (@uxmiholics), showed Sara and Shubman Gill at Bastian, Mumbai. They were spotted placing an order with a waiter next to their table. While Sara was wearing a pink outfit, Shubman wore a white and green shirt.
Sara was earlier rumoured to be dating Kartik Aaryan. Both of them never admitted their relationship, until filmmaker Karan Johar recently confirmed it. Sara and Kartik were cast together in Love Aaj Kal, and reportedly, that is where their romance bloomed. However, the actors parted ways in 2020. Meanwhile, Shubman was rumoured to be dating Sara Tendulkar earlier.
Sara Ali Khan is the daughter of actors Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh. She will be seen next opposite Vicky Kaushal in a yet untitled film by Laxman Utekar.
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