Apart from the Bollywood brigade at the Cannes Film Festival, some other Indians also graced the festival and shared their precious moments on Instagram. Among them are boAt co-founder Aman Gupta of Shark Tank India fame and singer Kumar Sanu’s daughter Shannon, who is also a singer. While Aman walked the red carpet with his wife Priya Dagar, Shannon had a princess moment in a gown, complete with a crown. Also read: Internet says Diana Penty’s Cannes look is better than Aishwarya Rai and Sara Ali Khan’s: ‘Best of the lot so far’
Shannon chose a white gown and paired it with a crown and net gloves. She had simple makeup and looked lovely as she posed for the photographers. She had complimented her look with snake-themed jewellery. She attended the screening of Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, which also had Aishwarya Rai and Urvashi Rautela in attendance.
Sharing a few pictures of her red carpet moment, Shannon wrote on Instagram, “Surreal (heart emoticon). At the movie premiere of #indianajonesandthedialofdestiny The legendary Harrison Ford. #cannesfilmfestival2023 #frenchreviera #camparicinema #enjoyresponsibly.” Kumar Sanu commented on her post, “So proud of you” along with a thumbs up sign.
Businessman Aman Gupta also shared pictures of his wife and him doing namaste on the red carpet. While he was in a black bandhgala suit, his wife was in a sequinned ice blue gown.
He wrote, “THIS IS IT. Proud to be the first Entrepreneur from India to walk the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival. Sometimes you dream and they come true. Sometimes you don’t even know what God has in store for you. I didn’t dream about this one. But now that I’m living it the feeling is surreal. Thank you God. Thank you Life. Had always seen Aishwarya Rai or other celebs here at the Red Carpet. But never knew I would get this opportunity too. If I CAN, so CAN you.”
His Shark Tank colleague Namita Thapar commented on his post, “So proud of you, both of you are looking abs amazing!” One of his followers also wrote, “Bandhgala at Cannes, love the Indian style – ICONIC.”
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