Actor Allu Arjun on Thursday was mobbed by a sea of fans who had gathered to get a glimpse of the star as he arrived for the inaugural ceremony of his new theatre venture AAA Cinemas which has been made in collaboration with Asian Cinemas. Prabhas’ Adipurush will be the first film to be screened at this property. Arjun had arrived with his son for the launch ceremony. Also read: Crew of Allu Arjun’s Pushpa 2 meets with bus accident near highway, injured rushed to hospital: Report
Allu Arjun at AAA Cinemas event
Hundreds of fans had assembled outside the venue to meet the actor this morning. Producer Sreenivasa Kumar aka SKN took to Twitter and shared a video in which hundreds of fans are seen surrounding Arjun’s car as it reached the event. As the car came to a halt, Arjun used the sunroof and stood inside his car. He waved to the fans. He wore a suit for the event.
This is Asian Cinema’s second theatre venture in collaboration with a Telugu star. Not long ago, they collaborated with actor Mahesh Babu to start AMB Cinemas which has been successfully operating for a few months now.
Allu Arjun with Hrithik and Aamir
Just a few days ago, Allu Arjun was in Mumbai to attend the wedding of filmmaker Madhu Mantena with author and yoga guru Ira Trivedi. At the wedding, a picture of Allu Arjun sharing a candid moment with Hrithik Roshan had gone viral on social media. Aamir Khan was also present in the frame.
Upcoming film
On the career front, Arjun is expected to resume filming of Pushpa 2 in a few days. The project went on the floors last November. The second part will focus on the face-off between Allu Arjun and Fahadh Faasil, who was introduced as the prime antagonist towards the end of the first part. The film also stars Rashmika Mandanna, who plays the character Srivalli.
Originally shot in Telugu, the first part of Pushpa was dubbed and released in Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada. It’s the first film for Allu Arjun to have a simultaneous release in five languages. The film saw Arjun play the role of a lorry driver who smuggles red sandalwood and eventually becomes a key player in the syndicate.
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