Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor returned to Mumbai on Saturday evening after attending a press event in Hyderabad for the promotion of their upcoming film, Brahmastra. The actors were spotted together by the paparazzi at the Kalina airport. Alia, who is pregnant with her first child with husband Ranbir, was seen wearing comfortable casuals. Also read: Alia Bhatt proudly flaunts ‘baby on board’ sign on her back at Brahmastra event
Ranbir Kapoor joined Alia in a grey T-shirt and white pants paired with a blue jacket. Alia, who grabbed attention by donning a pink sharara set at the Hyderabad event with ‘baby on board’ designed on its back, slipped into a white vest, grey pyjamas and a matching shrug for her latest appearance. Ranbir waved to the paparazzi as he posed with one hand on Alia’s shoulder. Both the actor also removed their masks for the pictures.
In Hyderabad, Alia had turned around on stage to give the audience a better look at the back of her designer outfit. ‘Baby on board’ was written in a huge font on her custom-made sharara, along with ‘love’ written all over the outfit.
At the event, their Brahmastra co-star Nagarjuna blessed their future child and wished for the little one to become even bigger than the parents. He said, “They are one of the most incredible talents in this country right now, it’s incredible that they both got attracted to each other. From all the Telugu people, from all the people on this stage, from everybody I know, we wish that you have a beautiful child and who’s going to be bigger than both of you together.”
Brahmastra is all set to release in theatres on September 9. Directed by Ayan Mukerji, the film is now open for advance bookings. Film trade analyst Taran Adarsh said on Saturday that the responses for advance bookings is good with around 12,000 tickets already sold.
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