Alia Bhatt showed off her baby bump as she joined Ranbir Kapoor for Brahmastra promotions in Mumbai. The mum-to-be looked radiant in pink as she posed for the paparazzi next to her husband. She also shared some new pictures on her Instagram account and said she is two weeks away from welcoming ‘the light.’ Brahmastra, Alia’s first film with Ranbir, is due for a release in exactly two weeks on September 9. Also read: Ranbir Kapoor apologises for ‘phailoed’ joke on Alia Bhatt’s weight
Alia Bhatt took to her Instagram account on Friday to share the new pictures, in which she sported a black vest over a sheer pink top, and paired them with black leggings. She cradled her baby bump with both of her hands as she looked at the camera in the first picture. The second was a close-up of her giving a sultry look for the camera.
Alia captioned the pictures, “The light… is coming! (In just two weeks).” She also wrote, “9th September —BRAHMĀSTRA,” adding a fire emoji. In the film, Ranbir Kapoor’s Shiva explains the ‘power of light’ to his partner Isha played by Alia.
Alia received a lot of compliments on her latest pictures. Kareena Kapoor’s sister-in-law Saba Ali Khan called Alia ‘stunning,’ while many fans dropped fire and hearts emojis on her post. A fan called her ‘glowing princess,’ while another wrote, “That bump,” adding a heart and a fire emoji. Another commented, “Beautiful mommy-to-be.”
Alia, who tied the knot with Ranbir on April 14 this year, announced on June 27 that they are expecting their first child. Sharing pictures from a sonogram session, the actor wrote, “Our baby… coming soon.”
Brahmastra, which also stars Amitabh Bachchan, Mouni Roy, and Nagarjuna in pivotal roles, will release in theatres on September 9. Ranbir was recently in Chennai for promotions of the film with Telugu filmmaker SS Rajamouli, who will be releasing the film in South Indian languages Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada. Brahmāstra: Part One – Shiva is first of the three films in the mythological film franchise directed by Ayan Mukerji.
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