Actor Ranbir Kapoor’s niece Samara Sahni gave a shoutout to her little cousin, Raha Kapoor. After Ranbir and Alia Bhatt announced their daughter’s name on Instagram, the little one is being showered with love from her family members and loved ones. Joining them, Ranbir’s sister Riddhima Kapoor Sahni’s daughter, Samara extended hugs. Also read: Kareena Kapoor can’t wait to hold Raha Kapoor
“I love u Raha (heart emojis) Lots of hugs from your big sister Sam,” Samara wrote on her Instagram Stories. The same was re-shared by her grandmother, Neetu Kapoor and mom Riddhima Kapoor Sahni.
Earlier, it was Alia’s mom Soni Razdan, sister Shaheen Bhatt, mother-in-law Neetu Kapoor, Riddhima and sister-in-law Kareena Kapoor Khan who extended their love for Raha on social media. Alia and Ranbir are yet to reveal the face of their baby girl.
On Thursday, Alia dropped the first family photo featuring Raha and Ranbir. In the caption, she explained the meaning behind her daughter’s name and revealed Neetu Kapoor picked it. “The name Raha (chosen by her wise and wonderful dadi) has so many beautiful meanings…,” she wrote.
She continued, “Raha, in its purest form means divine path in Swahili she is Joy, In Sanskrit, Raha is a clan, In Bangla – rest, comfort, relief, in Arabic peace, it also means happiness, freedom & bliss. And true to her name, from the first moment we held her – we felt it ALL! Thank you Raha, for bringing our family to life, it feels as though our lives have only just begun.”
Alia and Ranbir got married in April this year. She shared the news of her pregnancy in late June. The star-couple was blessed with Raha on November 6. Sharing the news of Raha’s arrival, Alia had written on Instagram, “And in the best news of our lives:- Our baby is here…and what a magical girl she is. We are officially bursting with love – Blessed and obsessed PARENTS!!!! Love love love Alia and Ranbir.” They have not yet revealed their daughter’s face yet.
Alia and Ranbir were last seen in filmmaker Ayan Mukerji’s Brahmastra.
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