Alia Bhatt took over the official Instagram page of her upcoming film, RRR, on Thursday. She took to Instagram Stories to share a video of herself getting her hair and make-up done and wrote, “Guess who’s taking over the RRR Instagram handle for the next few days. Me.” It was followed by a clip of her ‘post-lunch view’. She also posted a boomerang video of her sitting front of the vanity mirror and turning back, towards the camera, and wrote, “Packkk up. See you tom.”
On Friday morning, Alia Bhatt shared a picture from the gym on her own Instagram page. She posted a mirror selfie in which she could be seen posing with a bunch of dumbbells in the frame. “Hangies with some weighties,” she wrote. She wore a black tank top and leggings, with a hint of her midriff visible.
Currently, Alia is in Hyderabad to shoot for SS Rajamouli’s RRR, starring Jr NTR and Ram Charan in the lead roles. The film, which marks her South debut, also features Ajay Devgn.
Recently, in an interview with DNA, Alia talked about how shooting for RRR was a ‘very different experience’ for her, as she also shot in Telugu, a language that she is unfamiliar with. “I literally lived with the lines for a year and a half. By the end of it, I was speaking my lines in my sleep. I was waking up and saying my lines for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I’m extremely excited and thrilled to be a part of this film,” she had added.
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Ram Charan and Jr NTR will play Alluri Sitarama Raju and Komaram Bheem, the revolutionary freedom fighters from Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, in RRR. The film, reportedly made on a budget of ₹400 crore, is titled Roudram Ranam Rudhiram in Telugu, while the Tamil and Hindi versions are called Raththam Ranam Rowthiram and Rise Roar Revolt respectively.
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