Bollywood actor Ali Fazal is currently in the United States on vacation with wife and actor Richa Chadha. The duo has regularly been sharing glimpses of their stay in the US. We saw them soaking the city vibes, going hiking, unwinding with friends and more. But what grabbed our attention recently was a story featuring their hotel room. You heard us! Ali Fazal took to Instagram to share that he has found the cutest kitchenette in the hotel. In the first story, we saw him with the front camera on. He was showing himself, cooking in the kitchen. “Cooking with whatever possible,” we heard him saying while moving the camera on the pan.
“In my hotel! Cutest kitchenette…so figured how to use it,” he captioned the story. Here’s a glimpse for you:
Also Read: Seekh Kebab, Bhurji And More: All About Ali Fazal’s Delish Weeknight Dinner
In the next story, Ali Fazal showed the food he made, and trust us, it looked all things healthy and yummy. The plate was loaded with celery, sausages, leafy greens and vegetables. Sounds quite wholesome, isn’t it? Take a look:
Also Read: Ali Fazal Shares The ‘Sabzi To His Heart’ And He Invites Others To Share Such Recipes Too
It seems the cooking endeavour was an effect of his food experience in America. For the unversed, Ali Fazal, just recently, shared stories on Instagram that featured his concern about American food. According to him, every food in the US has sweetener in it. Even a humble balsamic sauce, according to him, includes sweetener. Everything has sugar in American food. Even in a basic salad, they throw in honey… or something like a little fomo act,” he wrote.
Find the Insta-stories below:
On the work front, Ali Fazal will soon be seen in Vishal Bhardwaj’s upcoming thriller ‘Khufiya’, alongside Tabu.
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About Somdatta SahaExplorer- this is what Somdatta likes to call herself. Be it in terms of food, people or places, all she craves for is to know the unknown. A simple aglio olio pasta or daal-chawal and a good movie can make her day.
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