Actor Akshay Kumar has given his fans glimpses inside his day out with his daughter Nitara Bhatia. Taking to Instagram, Akshay shared a post as the father-daughter duo carried huge stuffed toys and walked inside an amusement park. In the clip, Akshay balanced a toy on his head as he held Nitara’s hand. She carried another toy in her arm and looked back at the camera. (Also Read | Twinkle Khanna says she funded Nitara, Aarav’s education from her savings)
In the picture, clicked from the back, Akshay had his arm around Nitara. For their outing, Akshay wore a yellow and grey hoodie, denims and sneakers. Nitara opted for a grey and pink top, denims and white sneakers.
Sharing the post, Akshay captioned it, “Took my daughter to an amusement park yesterday. Looking at her happy smile on winning not one but two stuffed toys for her was hands down the closest I’ve felt to being a hero.” He also added the hashtag ‘best day ever’. Reacting to the post, film director Aanand L Rai dropped several red heart emojis.
Akshay shares videos on Instagram when he spends time with his daughter. In January he posted a clip as they fed and pet a cow. Sharing the video, Akshay wrote, “The fragrance of soil, feeding the cow, cool breeze of trees… It’s a different joy to make your child feel it all. Now if she sees a tiger in the jungle tomorrow, that will be the cherry on top! Visiting the beautiful Ranthambore National Park. Thank God every day for incredible places like this.”
Akshay is married to actor-turned-author Twinkle Khanna. They tied the knot in 2001. The couple has two children–son Aarav (2002) and daughter Nitara (2012). Recently on her channel Tweak India, Twinkle revealed that she took a Masters’ course from savings for Nitara. She had said, “So I’m using, what would have been my daughter’s college fund, to fund myself. I’ve always made sure that I’m the one paying for their education. I want them to say that my mother paid for my education, and not just fed me aloo parathas.”
Akshay was last seen in Cuttputlli, released on September 5 on Disney+ Hotstar. Directed by Ranjit M Tewari, Cuttputli also stars Rakul Preet Singh, Sargun Mehta and Chandrachur Singh. Akshay will also be seen in Ram Setu alongside Jacqueline Fernandez and Nushrratt Bharuccha. The film is slated to release on Diwali.
He will also be seen opposite Radhika Madan in the Hindi remake of Suriya’s Tamil film Soorarai Pottru. Apart from Akshay and Radhika, Paresh Rawal will reprise his role from the Tamil original. Director Sudha Kongara will helm this film.
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