A day after Bhojpuri actor Akanksha Dubey was found dead inside a hotel room in Varanasi, police on Monday registered a case against Bhojpuri singer Samar Singh and his brother Sanjay Singh. “Two persons namely, Samar Singh, who is associated with Bhojpuri films and Sanjay Singh, are named in the complaint,” Santosh Singh, Additional Commissioner of Police (Addl CP), Varanasi said on Monday. Also read: Akanksha Dubey death: Video of Bhojpuri actor crying during Instagram live emerges online
According to the police, Akanksha’s mother has filed a complaint and registered a case against two people. “Bhojpuri actress (Akanksha Dubey) died by suicide in a hotel. She came from a party on the night of death,” Singh said.
There are a few videos of her on Instagram where she was upset and crying. The door was locked from the inside, there is no foul play, Singh further added. Further investigation is underway, police said.
Dubey, 25, was reportedly in Varanasi for the shoot of an upcoming movie and was staying in the hotel under the Sarnath police station area. She was found hanging inside her hotel room by her personal makeup artist.
“I knocked on her room’s door but she didn’t open it. I heard the sound of water running in the bathroom, so I waited for 25 minutes. But when she did not open the door even after that, I called up hotel staff and opened the door only to find her hanging,” Rahul, her makeup artist told the police.
He said that he was working with Akanksha for the past two and a half years. “She was a brave girl, and would always stand for others. I met her for the first time during the lockdown period. Later we came to know that we both were from the same town, Bhadohi. Since then I was working as her personal makeup artist,” he said.
Akanksha had worked in Bhojpuri cinema, music, and films. Akanksha had a huge fan following on Instagram and her reels was quite popular. It’s reported that the actor has risen to fame in quick time. She started gaining prominence as one of the well-known artists of Uttar Pradesh.
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