Actor Ajaz Khan recently opened up about his time in Arthur Road jail after two years of imprisonment in a drug case. While it was a tough time for him, he said he survived only for his family. He added that he suffered from anxiety and depression during his time in jail, and even refused to meet his son in jail initially. However, he said he met people such as Aryan Khan and Raj Kundra during his time. Also read: Ajaz Khan reunites with family as he walks out of jail after two years of imprisonment in drug case
Ajaz Khan drug case
In 2021, the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) arrested Ajaz Khan in connection with a drug case. Following Ajaz’s arrest, the actor claimed that a few sleeping pills were all that he had in his possession. After two years in jail, Ajaz was granted bail.
Ajaz Khan on jail time
Ajaz told Times Of India, “One day feels like a year inside the jail. I don’t want to say anything about the person who made the case against me (refers to Sameer Wankhede), and the world is witnessing what’s happening to him. I wish him good luck. I was considered guilty even before the verdict was pronounced. I was finally granted bail by the Supreme Court, but I was in jail for 26 months and I missed out on work and my son’s growing-up years.”
Ajaz Khan on anxiety and depression
The actor called the Arthur Road jail the most crowded in the world with 3500 prisoners against the capacity of 800 people. “Ek toilet mein 400 log jaate hain. Imagine the state of that toilet! I went through anxiety and depression. It was tough but I had to survive for my family, which comprises my 85-year-old father, wife, and son. I met many people, including former state home minister Anil Deshmukh, Sanjay Raut, Armaan Kohli, Aryan Khan, and Raj Kundra, inside the jail. You wouldn’t want even your enemy to go through this. I initially refused to meet my son as I didn’t want him to see me in prison, but met him eventually after six months, as I wanted him to know my story from me and become strong for the world,” Ajaz added. He said that he has written a book on his experience which he intends to turn into a web series.
Aryan Khan, son of Shah Rukh Khan spent 22 days in Arthur Road jail for alleged consumption of drugs and conspiracy after a raid was conducted by NCB. He was later released and given a clean chit. On the other hand, Raj Kundra, businessman and Shilpa Shetty’s husband was arrested in a pornography-related case. Actor Armaan Kohli was lodged at the Arthur Road jail after 1.2 grams of cocaine was seized by NCB from his residence, as per reports.
Who is Ajaz Khan?
Ajaz Khan appeared in Bigg Boss 7. He started his career in Bollywood with the 2003 film Patth and was a part of Ekta Kapoor’s TV show Kyaa Hoga Nimmo Kaa (2007). He was also seen in Kahaani Hamaaray Mahaabhaarat Ki, Karam Apnaa Apnaa, and Rahe Tera Aashirwaad. He also won the reality show Bollywood Club.
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