Actor Ajay Devgn wished his mother-in-law and veteran actor Tanuja on her 79th birthday with a special post. Taking to Twitter, Ajay posted a photo of Tanuja smiling while posing for a photo. In the picture, she draped a grey and cream saree along with a yellow blouse. (Also Read | When Tanuja revealed how Kajol told her about being in love with Ajay Devgn)
Sharing the photo, Ajay captioned the post, “Birthday (party popper emoji) wishes & Respects to Tanujaji (balloon emoji) Here’s wishing you happiness always (red heart emoji).” Reacting to the post, many fans wished Tanuja on her special occasion. A fan commented, “Happy birthday legend.” A person also pointed out that Ajay called his mother-in-law by her name. The Twitter user said, “Naam se bula rahe hai (He’s calling her by her name).” Sharing the same photo on his Instagram Stories, Ajay wrote, “Happy Birthday. Regards, Ajay Devgn.”
Ajay’s wife and actor Kajol also wished her mother with a video and a message on Instagram. The clip featured Tanuja over the years–as a child actor till her recent appearance on a reality show. The song Raat Akeli Hai Bujh Gaye Diye by Asha Bhosle featured as the background music. The original song featured Tanuja and Dev Anand in Jewel Thief (1967). The video ended with the words ‘Happy Birthday Ma…’ written on it.
Sharing the post, Kajol wrote, “She’s completed 70 odd years in the movies and 48 as my mother .. through this entire journey never once did I feel anything but safe and loved.. so many trials and yet she discussed everything that makes a life worth living with us. From death to compassion to charity to anger bitterness love and forgiveness.”
Kajol also added, “Like she says ‘if I keep telling u these things then one day they will take root when u need them most “… and I thank u everyday for making me a thinking responsible feeling adult.. u taught us to soar not by throwing us off the cliff but by flying off it yourself and letting us watch u soar unafraid. I will always be ur first lieutenant and commander of ur armies and you will always be my captain and my queen.. love u to the moon and back mom. #tanuja.”
Tanuja married Shomu Mukherjee in 1973 but they separated a few years later. They have two daughters–Kajol and Tanishaa Mukerji. Tanuja featured in many films such as Chand Aur Suraj (1965), Baharen Phir Bhi Aayengi (1966), Jewel Thief (1967), Nai Roshni (1967), Antony Firingee (film) (1967), Pratham Kadam Phool (1969), Teen Bhubaner Pare (1969), Jeene Ki Raah (1969), Rajkumari (1970), Haathi Mere Saathi (1971), Anubhav (1971), Mere Jeevan Saathi (1972) and Do Chor (1972) among many others.
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