On Thursday, actor Akshay Kumar apologised to his fans for signing on as the brand ambassador for a tobacco brand. Akshay had appeared in an ad for Vimal along with Shah Rukh Khan and Ajay Devgn, who are already ambassadors for the brand. Akshay was criticised by fans for the move as the actor has previously promoted healthy living and fitness. Ajay Devgn talked about his own stand in the matter. Also read: Fans react to Akshay Kumar’s midnight apology for Vimal ad: Didn’t sleep at 9?
Ajay has been associated with Vimal for several years. Shah Rukh joined as the brand ambassador last year and the two appeared in an ad together. Last week, the two again appeared together, teasing Akshay’s entry as well. A follow-up ad, featuring Akshay, was aired a few days later.
During recent promotions for his upcoming film Runway 34, Ajay was asked about the brand endorsement. As per an IndianExpress.com report, Ajay said, “It is a personal choice. When you do something, you also see how harmful it would be. Somethings are harmful, some are not.”
Ajay added, “I would say it without naming it because I don’t want to promote it; I was doing elaichi. What I feel is more than advertisements, if certain things are so wrong, then they should not be sold.”
Earlier on Thursday, at around 1am, taking to his social media accounts, Akshay apologised to his fans for signing an ad deal with a tobacco brand. In his apology, Akshay wrote, “I am sorry. I would like to apologise to you, all my fans and well-wishers. Your reaction over the past few days has deeply affected me. While I have not and will not endorse tobacco, I respect the outpouring of your feelings in light of my association with Vimal Elaichi. With all humility, I step back. I have decided to contribute the entire endorsement fee towards a worthy cause. The brand might continue airing the ads till the legal duration of the contract that is binding upon me, but I promise to be extremely mindful in making my future choices. In return I shall forever continue to ask for your love and wishes.”
After his announcement, fans were happy that the actor accepted his mistake and made a public acknowledgement. “We youth consider you as our idol, you don’t need any such ad like that,” read another comment. Akshay has pledged to donate his fee for the ad to a ‘worthy cause’.
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