MUMBAI: Actor-director Deepak Tijori filed a case of cheating against producer Mohan Gopal Nadar at Amboli Police Station in Mumbai. The actor claimed in his FIR that he was duped of Rs 2.6 crores by the accused. The FIR was lodged on March 15.
Mumbai Police have already registered a case against Nadar under sections 420 (cheating and dishonesty inducing delivery of property) and 406 (criminal breach of trust) of the IPC and initiated a probe into the matter.
According to the Mumbai Police, the actor said that Nadar joined him to co-produce a thriller titled ‘Tipppsy’, which Deepak was supposed to direct. Deepak told Police, that the film was scheduled to be shot in London in 2019. Keeping that in mind, Deepak has entrusted Nadar with Rs 2 crores and 60 lakhs. But Deepak claimed that the film was not completed in time. After asking for the repayment of the money repeatedly, Nadar dodged him by giving various excuses.
Moreover, Deepak claimed in his FIR that the cheques provided by Nadar kept bouncing. Then Deepak decided to lodge a complaint against him.
The Officer-in-charge at Amboli said that they have started the investigation. No arrest has been made so far.
Mumbai Police have already registered a case against Nadar under sections 420 (cheating and dishonesty inducing delivery of property) and 406 (criminal breach of trust) of the IPC and initiated a probe into the matter.
According to the Mumbai Police, the actor said that Nadar joined him to co-produce a thriller titled ‘Tipppsy’, which Deepak was supposed to direct. Deepak told Police, that the film was scheduled to be shot in London in 2019. Keeping that in mind, Deepak has entrusted Nadar with Rs 2 crores and 60 lakhs. But Deepak claimed that the film was not completed in time. After asking for the repayment of the money repeatedly, Nadar dodged him by giving various excuses.googletag.cmd.push(function() {googletag.display(‘div-gpt-ad-8052921-2’); });
The movie will feature Raai Laxmi, Nazia Hussain, Kainaat Arora and Alankrita Sahai as lead characters. (Photo | YouTube)
Moreover, Deepak claimed in his FIR that the cheques provided by Nadar kept bouncing. Then Deepak decided to lodge a complaint against him.
The Officer-in-charge at Amboli said that they have started the investigation. No arrest has been made so far.
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