Actress Neena Gupta has shared a picture from her meal time on Instagram Stories. And, it is yummilicious. The wholesome desi thali is exactly what you need before rolling into the weekend. In the picture, Neena Gupta and her friend were seen sitting at a table with what looked like a Maharaja thali kept in front of them. Going by the text on her post, it seemed that Neena Gupta has experienced “sukh [peace]” after gobbling down the yummy thali. Is it just us or are you also getting hunger pangs? After giving it a closer look, we could see a couple of vibrant curries, a bowl of curd, 2-3 sabjis, and what looks like puri. Of course, there was dessert.
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Have a look at Neena Gupta’s delicious-looking thali:
Thalis bring the best of the classic delicacies on one plate. Every region has its traditional thali, like the Punjabi thali, South Indian thali, Gujarati thali, and more. Likewise, there is something that we call homely thali (or homemade thali). This feast may be a great hit at get-togethers, especially during the weekends. To make things a bit easier for you, we have prepared a thali menu that can be prepared at home.
1.Moong Daal Shorba
Add an appetiser to your thali with Moong dal shorba. Combine the goodness of moong dal and spices to make a heartwarming treat that no one can refuse.
Main Course
1.Daal Makhni
Easily spotted in Indian cuisine and loved by all, daal makhni is the ultimate satisfaction you can give to your taste buds.
2.Paneer Butter Masala
Succulent paneer chunks pan-fried and dipped in a buttery and spice-loaded curry is heaven on a platter.
3.Lahsuni Bhindi
Serve the classic bhindi ki sabzi with a garlic twist. The array of spices used in this dish offers an aromatic flavour to your regular bhindi ki sabji, making the dish masaledaar.
Ditch the fancy cakes and make a luxurious bowl of kheer. Nothing is better than this desi delight.
You can serve the platter with your choice of bread and rice. So what are you waiting for? Let’s cook.
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