Divyanka Tripathi has recalled the time when her husband Vivek Dahiya believed that she did not trust him. Divyanka visited the sets of singer Mika Singh’s show Swayamvar Mika Di Vohti and spoke about her relationship. She appeared on the show as Mika’s sister. Mika is on his way to find a bride for himself on the reality show, which is hosted by singer Shaan. (Also read: Divyanka Tripathi-Vivek Dahiya’s first meeting was ‘patched by a colleague’)
Speaking on the show, Divyanka said, “There were times when Vivek would go out to party with his boys and would tell me that he would return by this time. So when he would not return by that time, I would keep calling him every 15 mins. In my head, it was my caring gesture and I was in tension wanting to know if he is fine. It happened two-three times.”
Divyanka emphasised on the importance of communication between couples and added, “But Vivek came and asked me, ‘Don’t you trust me?’ I was shocked. But then I cleared it out that I was worried for him. The important thing to note here is that we had communicated. Else, he would form an opinion about me, I would not know his thoughts. But we sorted it out through communication.”
Divyanka and Vivek got engaged in January 2016 and got married months later, on July 8, 2016 in Bhopal. Divyanka became a household name after she featured in the TV show Banoo Main Teri Dulhann, that aired from 2006 to 2009. She then went on to feature in shows such as Yeh Hai Mohabbatein and Mrs & Mr Sharma Allahabadwale. In 2017, she also won the dance reality show Nach Baliye and was recently seen in the adventure reality show, Khatron Ke Khiladi 11.
Last month, Mika Singh revealed the promo of Swayamvar Mika Di Vohti and the video showed him meeting single women, who were also looking for a groom. Mika received many gifts when he first met the contestants, the women who aspire to marry him.
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