According to Digital Chat Station, the Redmi K50 Gaming smartphone will be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 series chipset. Earlier this week, the leakster claimed the handset will come with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chipset, JBL dual speakers, an AAC 1016 ultra-wideband X-axis motor. Another leakster, Panda is Bald has revealed the Redmi K50 Gaming will measure 162 x 76.8 x 8.45mm in size and weigh 210grams.
Digital Chat Station claims the other three models in the Redmi K50 lineup will be equipped with the Snapdragon 870, Dimensity 8000, and Dimensity 9000 chipsets, but the exact monikers of these models are unknown at the moment. It is also not clear whether all three models will be made official at the same time.
Redmi K50 Gaming specifications (expected)
Redmi K50 Gaming is said to sport a 6.67-inch display, which could have an FHD+ resolution and an OLED panel with curved edges. A 4,700mAh battery with 120W fast charging support is said to fuel the phone. As for the cameras, the gaming smartphone will reportedly have a triple camera setup on the back, with a 64MP primary sensor, a 13MP ultrawide lens and a third 2MP unit. It is said to have a 16MP snapper on the front and a side-mounted fingerprint scanner.
As we mentioned earlier, the Redmi K50 series has been officially teased and is expected to launch next month. One of the models will have a 4,700mAh battery, 120W fast charging and dual VC liquid cooling. They are expected to boot Android 12 based MIUI 13 custom skin out of the box.
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