Amid rumours of a wedding between Parineeti Chopra and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Raghav Chadha, an old interview of Parineeti’s has surfaced in which she shares that she will not marry any politician ever. During film promotions a few years ago, the actor revealed that a politician won’t be her first choice for a husband. She also shared what she is looking for in an ideal partner. (Also read: Parineeti Chopra, Raghav Chadha make another appearance together at airport, blush as paparazzi ask them for photos)
On Instagram, an old interview with Parineeti and Sidharth Malhotra was shared for one of their films together. In the Rapid Fire section of the interview, the actor is asked about celebrities she would wed. After mentioning Hollywood actor Brad Pitt, she is asked about politicians. She replied, “The problem is I don’t want to marry any politician. There are too many good options but I don’t want to marry any politician ever.”
In the comments section, one Instagram user shared, “That’s why they say, never say never!” Another shared, “Matlab wo zoot he engagement news.. (The engagement news is false). Furthermore, when she was asked about the three qualities of an ideal partner, Parineeti added, “He should be funny, he should smell really good and he should respect me.”
She also spoke about things she should have in common with her future partner. Parineeti said, “My love for travel, love for water, the ocean, diving, whatever, and they should just be a self-made person. I love men who have self-worth, who have made their lives themselves.”
Raghav and Parineeti were seen at Mumbai airport on Sunday as they arrived in the city. The actor was wearing a black T-shirt, black jacket and blue jeans, with white shoes. She also wore her spectacles. Raghav was wearing a khakhi shirt with jeans. While the pair acknowledged the paparazzi as they walked to the car, they did not say anything to them.
Parineeti’s cousin, Priyanka Chopra is also in the city with her husband Nick Jonas. They brought their daughter Malti Marie Jonas to India for the first time. The couple recently attended the grand launch of the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre in Mumbai on Friday and Saturday.
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