Actor Sidharth Malhotra is ready to take the plunge on Tuesday with his girlfriend Kiara Advani. Their wedding ceremony is taking place in Suryagarh Palace in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan. New visuals from the venue feature band members, floral chhatris and a decked-up ghodi all set for the groom and his family. Also read: Gauahar Khan calls Sidharth Malhotra-Kiara Advani ‘most good looking couple’
In the pictures, some men who are most likely a part of baraat are seen wearing traditional pink outfits. They held umbrellas (chhatris) decked with flowers. One of them also held a flag which read, “Delhi” Going by their look, pink and white might be the theme of the wedding.
Sidharth and Kiara’s wedding is going to be a private affair with limited guests, including family members, close friends and their colleagues from the industry. High security has been placed to ensure privacy. Reportedly, no phone policy has been implemented as well.
The groom-to-be and bride-to-be hosted mehendi and sangeet night on Monday, as per reports. Their pheras will be taking place today. Kiara is expected to wear a Manish Malhotra outfit for D-day. Manish and filmmaker Karan Johar alongside Juhi Chawla, Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput are among the few guests who flew to Rajasthan for the big day.
Kiara and Sidharth dated for a couple of years but never publicly stated their relationship status. However, their occasional hints were enough to let their fans know about their relationship. Once Kiara accepted that the two were ‘more than close friends’ during her latest appearance on Koffee With Karan in 2022.
It’s believed that the two started dating during the making of their 2021 film Shershaah. In the film, Sidharth appeared as martyr Vikram Batra, and Kiara was his fiancée Dimple. The film was a hit and fans loved their chemistry.
Kiara will be next in an upcoming musical Satyaprem Ki Katha opposite Kartik Aaryan. The film will release in theatres on June 29. Sidharth, on the other hand, will soon make his web series debut with Rohit Shetty’s Indian Police Force. Besides this, he also has Yodha in the pipeline. His last outing was Mission Majnu.
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