New Delhi: The National Health Authority (NHA) under its flagship scheme Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) introduced the Scan & Share service for faster outpatient department (OPD) registrations in October 2022. Within five months of its launch, the service has been adopted by 365 hospitals. The QR-code-based instant registration service has helped over five lakh patients save time by drastically reducing the wait times in the OPD registration areas of the participating hospitals.
Union Health Minister hailed the quick & queue less OPD registration under ABDM in his tweet, “Quick & Queue Less OPD Registration!”
“Under Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission, more than 5 lakh patients availed benefit of faster OPD registrations using the Scan & Share service.”
“Within five months of its launch, the service has been adopted by 365 hospitals across the country.”
The participating hospitals (government or private) display their unique QR codes in patient registration areas. The patients can scan the QR code using any health application of their choice (such as ABHA App, Aarogya Setu App, EkaCare, DRiefcase, Bajaj Health, PayTM) and share their ABHA profile (demographic information like name, age, gender, and ABHA number) with the health management information system (HMIS) of the hospital. This enables paperless registration and thereby instant token generation. The patient saves time and the health facility can optimise the need for resources deployed for registration. The patient’s health records also get digitally linked to their (Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA) which they can manage and access from their phone anytime.
Speaking on the vision behind this service innovation, Dr RS Sharma, CEO, NHA said, “The Scan & Share service is a typical example of how technology can be leveraged to provide better services to patients and to improve the system efficiency. With increased adoption, patient registrations can be made effortless, seamless and accurate. Our focus is to work closely with the stakeholders to maximise the impact of ABDM-enabled digital health services.”
The real-time benefits of Scan & Share service are being leveraged by patients nationwide. Apart from government hospitals, several private hospitals also enable ABHA-based patient registrations. The service is currently live in 125 districts across 25 States/ UTs in the country. Karnataka (2.5 lakh tokens), Uttar Pradesh (1.1 lakh users) and Delhi (72 thousand users) are the leading states in the adoption of this Scan & Share service for better patient experience.
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